Joel Schwartz
(916) 203-6309
1/04 to 1/09
American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC
Scientist and Director of the Air Quality Project, 12/00
to 4/02
Reason Public Policy Institute, Los Angeles, California
Officer, 12/97 to 12/00
California Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee, Sacramento,
Policy Analyst, 6/95 to 12/97
Legislative Analyst's Office, Sacramento, California
Consultant, 8/94 to 6/95
California Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee, Sacramento,
Consultant, 1/94 to 8/94
RAND Corporation, Division of Social Policy, Santa Monica, California
Coast Air Quality Management District, Diamond Bar, California
Scientist, 5/91 to 1/94
Coalition for Clean Air, Los Angeles, California
Student, 9/87 to 4/91
Division of Geology and Planetary Sciences,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
Associate, 6/86 to 5/87
Laboratory for Planetary Studies,
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California
of Science in Planetary Science, June 1990
of Arts and Sciences, Ithaca, New York
of Arts in Chemistry, June 1986
and Air Pollution," testimony to the Minnesota Senate Environment
Committee, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 2, 2005.
In-Use Vehicle Emissions," invited testimony to the Governing
Board of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco,
California, June 5, 2002.
Emissions Inspection and Pollution Transport Mitigation in the
San Francisco Bay Area," comments to the California Air Resources
Board, September 26, 2001.
Scrap Programs in California," comments to the California Air
Resources Board, August 9, 2001.
Regarding EPA's I/M Evaluation Guidance," comments to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, July 15, 1999.
and Recommendations on the MOBILE6 Vehicle Emissions Model," comments
to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, July 15, 1999.
School Performance," invited testimony to the California Senate
Education Committee, December 18, 1997.
1997-98 K-12 Budget Proposal," testimony to the California Assembly
and Senate budget subcommittees and the Budget Conference Committee,
several appearances, Winter-Spring 1997.
1996-97 K-12 Budget Proposal," testimony to the California Assembly
and Senate budget subcommittees and the Budget Conference Committee,
several appearances, Winter-Spring 1996.
Inspection and Maintenance: Comments on the U.S. EPA's 50-Percent
Effectiveness Discount for Decentralized I/M Programs," invited
testimony presented before the United States House of Representatives,
Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations,
March 23, 1995.
and Recommendations on California's Smog Check Program," report
of the blue-ribbon Commission on Vehicle Inspection Programs before
the California Senate Transportation Committee, August 1993.
the Air with an Improved Smog Check Program," invited testimony
to the California Assembly Transportation Committee, February
16, 1993.
Emissions Inventory and the CO Plan," testimony to the South Coast
Air Quality Management District Governing Board, November 6, 1992.
1991 Air Quality Management Plan," testimony to the California
Air Resources Board, October 16, 1992.
on the SCAQMD's RECLAIM Pollution Trading Program," testimony
to the South Coast Air Quality Management District Governing Board,
July 10, 1992.
on Cal/EPA's Reorganization and Permit Streamlining Plan," comments
to the California Environmental Protection agency, May 27, 1992.
Permits: A Phased Approach," comments to the South Coast Air Quality
Management District and the California Air Resources Board, March
5, 1992.
on the Final Draft of LACTC's Congestion Management Program,"
comments to the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission,
October 15, 1991.
Way Back: Why Air Pollution Will Continue to Decline," invited
presentation at the American Enterprise Institute/Pacific Research
Institute Earth Day Conference, Washington, DC, April 21, 2003.
Pollution: Trends, Health Effects, and Current Issues," invited
presentation at the Association for Private Enterprise Education
Conference, Las Vegas, April 8, 2003.
to Clean the Air," invited presentation at the Preserving the
American Dream conference, Washington, DC, February 25, 2003.
Problems in Air Pollution Policy," invited presentation at the
Preserving the American Dream conference, Washington, DC, February
25, 2003.
and the Future of Smog Check," invited presentation at the California
Council for Environmental and Economic Balance, Summer Issues
Seminar, Lake Tahoe, California, July 31, 2001.
Vehicles and Air Quality," invited presentation at the California
Council for Environmental and Economic Balance Summer Issues Seminar,
Lake Tahoe, California, July 31, 2001.
Vehicle Inspection Programs More Effective, Less Expensive, and
More Convenient," invited presentation to the Commissioners of
Butler County, Ohio, July 23, 2001.
Role of I/M in Improving Air Quality," invited presentation to
the Texas Clean Air Force, Dallas, December 13, 2000.
and Improving Smog Check," invited presentation to the California
Air Pollution Control Officers Association, Sacramento, September
20, 2000.
and Improving Smog Check," invited presentation at the California
Council for Environmental and Economic Balance, Summer Issues
Seminar, Lake Tahoe, California, July 20, 2000.
Programs: A Look at Where We've Been and Where We're Going," invited
presentation to the National Research Council on its review of
vehicle emissions inspection programs, February 15, 2000.
Evaluation of Mobile Source Policies," invited presentation to
the National Research Council on its review of EPA's mobile source
emissions factor model, March 4, 1999.
Effective I/M Programs," presented at the 1998 Air and Waste Management
Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, June 16, 1998.
Reduction: First-Year Results," invited presentation at the California
Education Research Association annual conference, Sacramento,
May 1997.
Environmental Goals through Market-Based Regulation," invited
presentation at the "RECLAIM: Pioneering Market-Based Air Regulation"
conference, Los Angeles, May 12, 1993.
invited presentation to the Los Angeles Business Council, November
9, 1992.
vs. Market Incentives: Which Work Best?" invited presentation
at the Association for Commuter Transportation, Southern California
Chapter Regional Conference, June 11, 1992.
of Scatterers in Triton's Atmosphere," J. M. Schwartz, J. B. Pollack
and K. Rages, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary
Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Charlottesville,
Virginia, October 1990.
and Chemical Processing of Gas and Grains in the Solar Nebula
Accretion Disk," J. M. Schwartz and D. J. Stevenson, 21st Annual
Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American
Astronomical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, October 1989.
Chemistry in Nitrogen-Rich N2/CH4 Atmospheres at Moderate to Low
Pressures: The Atmospheres of Titan, Triton and Pluto," W. R.
Thompson, T. Henry, J. M. Schwartz, B. N. Khare and C. Sagan,
Origin and Evolution of Planetary and Satellite Atmospheres, Tucson,
Arizona, March 1987.
Chemistry in H2/He/CH4 Atmospheres: Laboratory Results at Moderate
to Low Pressures and High Hydrogen Dilution," B. N. Khare, W.
R. Thompson, E. T. Arakawa, J. M. Schwartz and C. Sagan, Origin
and Evolution of Planetary and Satellite Atmospheres, Tucson,
Arizona, March 1987.
Simulations of Organic Chemistry in Irradiated Planetary Atmospheres,"
W. R. Thompson, B. N. Khare, T. Henry, L. Flynn and J. M. Schwartz,
Laboratory Measurements for Planetary Science, Meudon, France,
November 1986.
in the California Environmental Dialogue's Clean Air Dialogue
of the Advisory Board and Expert Reviewer, American Council
on Science and Health (2001-present).
Reviewer for the University of California Transportation Center's
research grant program (1999-2001).
Reviewer for the National Academy of Sciences evaluation of
vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance programs and policy
Reviewer of submitted papers for the Transportation Research
Board's annual meeting (2001).
of the California Little Hoover Commission's Charter Schools
Advisory Panel (1995-1996).
of a Legislature-appointed blue-ribbon commission that evaluated
California's vehicle emissions inspection policy options and
made recommendations to the Legislature (1993).
of the Advisory and Steering Committees for the development
of the Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM), a pollution
trading market for nitrogen and sulfur oxides in the South Coast
Air Quality Management District (1991-1993).
of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Congestion
Management Advisory Committee (1992-1993).
in EPA regulatory negotiation FACA (Federal Advisory Committee
Act) committee on architectural coatings regulation (1992-1993).
of the Sequoia Group, a forum for business leaders, environmentalists,
and regulators to informally discuss and attempt to reach consensus
on air pollution and transportation issues (1991-1993).
- Peer-Reviewer
for Journal of Geophysical Research (1991).
Chemical Society
and Waste Management Association
Geophysical Union
Meteorological Society